Thursday, March 17, 2016

Time to revive this blog.

This has been sitting here for over 4 years with precious little attention.  Why? Because like some little orphan it was forgotten and abandoned, left to the winds of fate until today, when I stumbled upon it once more.

I've been doing a lot of travel, so there will be travel photos, and travel logs going up here soon. Lots of memories need to be remembered.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The more they change..

The more they stay the same.

There is a need in me to address -that- side of my personality. I know it, I feel it, and it does not hes not help that "the Gentleman" is of that breed and ilk that I could easily submit to.

It does not help that he likes to be called "Daddy" and responds in kind by calling me "girl" which makes my panties wet and my toes curl.  

What does help is that he is an established MAN. That he has a family, an OSO and a girlfriend. That he does not seem to be a manipulative asshole like the last, and has no intent to harm.  Punish, perhaps but not harm. His goal is not to see how many hearts and souls he can rend.

We are both sexually interested in each other. We've gone on.. 2 meetings and one date. Yet nothing beyond kissing has occured. That I can turn him on with a kiss is good. VERY good.  We will see where this leads. I am in a much better headspace than I was a year ago, even six months ago. HELL even 4 weeks ago.

I think I'm ready to explore.

Friday, December 23, 2011

New day, new beginning

I didn't just stumble here. A friend linked me to her food blog, and I accidentally logged in to leave her a comment. It's one of those fated things. So why not sign up?  I've been a live journal user for well over 9 years and though I continue to use them, I've found it's been much more sporadic over the last handful of seasons.

Much of that has been because I've just not wanted to spill what's in my head. Perhaps with a new place to speak, a new format to talk in, I can just let go?  There are people over at the old place that I just don't want to have listening in. My ex's paranoia has some what rubbed off on me. I know that he has his spies listening in, reporting back to him. I could simply remove them, but I've known them longer. Or I could simply just stop giving a shit.

Today is the anniversary of the day he told me - via G-chat, that he was no longer my master.  It should feel different, that a year ago, I was incredulous. In February, he revoked his friendship. Actually, that was more my doing, calling him on his lies. but I digress, the truth comes out that he was a duplicitious fuck and I'm better off not being led down a path I don't really want to take any more. I've healed (some) I've grown a lot and I am far happier this year - at least these last six months, than I have been in the past 2 combined.  Yay for healing.